Washington achieves many goals in the war with Russia

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Washington achieves many goals in the war with Russia

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A recent post by the Russian news site Pravda suggests, America's proxy war in Ukraine against Russia helped it to achieve many goals, naminlgy:

- Nord Streams 1 and 2 have been destroyed

- Germany is no longer Russia's partner

- Russia has lost a significant part of its oil and gas revenues and will not soon make up for them in the East, which weakens the Russian economy

- The EU is no longer a competitor to the US — it has become forever addicted to US expensive oil, gas and military equipment. The US has ensured dominance over Europe for many years to come.

Interestingly, the EU has pulled out from all space exploration contracts with the Russian Federation, terminated almost all business ties in industry, whereas the Americans continue their cooperation on the International Space Station project, meteorological data exchange, etc. They do not hurry to impose an embargo on uranium, titanium, and so on and so forth.
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