How to use 'IF function' in Excel

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How to use 'IF function' in Excel

Post by Admin »

What is IF function in Excel?

IF function

- is a logical function

- that checks the condition you put and returns you one value if the condition is TRUE, else the other value if the condition is FALSE

So the syntax for IF function is:

=IF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)

It simply says, if the condition is met, then take the value given for value_if_true, but if the condition is not met, then take the value given for value_if_false. That's it.

Let's check this easy table: Students Grade


So here you have a table with students name and grades. In Column C you want to show the results who passed the exam and who failed. In cell C2 enter the if statement


It says, if the student grade is equal to or less than 45, then put Failed in cell C2, otherwise put Passed.

Now copy the formula down the Column C.

However, if you would like to show the results only when a student is passed, and for the failed ones you want to keep the cells blank, then type the following in cell C2:


Copy it down the Column C.

To show the cells blank use double quotation marks ("") without space in-between.


So this is your first lesson with the if function :-)
Gracie L
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Re: How to use 'IF function' in Excel

Post by Gracie L »

Thanks for academized help I really wanted to know that how we can use IF function in to the excel and you have shared it in such great work. I must say that you are very intelligent just keep the spirits high!. Thumbs up!
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Re: How to use 'IF function' in Excel

Post by JessiJones »

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Reatha Adaway
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Re: How to use 'IF function' in Excel

Post by Reatha Adaway »

The IF function in Excel is a powerful tool for logical decision-making in spreadsheets. It allows users to create custom conditions, making it versatile for data analysis and automation. By specifying criteria, you can instruct Excel to perform different actions based on whether a condition is true or false. This function is invaluable for creating dynamic and responsive worksheets, enhancing data accuracy, and streamlining workflows. To get Conclusion help when mastering the IF function, users gain a crucial skill for efficient Excel usage, enabling them to unlock the full potential of their data with precise and automated decision-making.
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