‚Mülltonne‘ and ‚Mülleimer‘

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‚Mülltonne‘ and ‚Mülleimer‘

Post by Admin »

In fact both ‘die Mülltonne’ and ‘der Mülleimer’ mean more or less the same thing – garbage can, trash can etc., but there are some ‘practical differences’ so to say.

Usually ‘Mülleimer’ is a smaller size garbage can that is kept in kitchen or floor, sometimes outside in parks or other public places like the photo below.

Der Mülleimer - garbage can (Image credit: Thomas, Source: Flcikr, CC BY-SA 2.0)

whereas ‘Mülltonne’ are larger size garbage containers outside houses where wastes from ‘Mülleimer’ are dumped and normally municipal garbage trucks collect them for recycling and dumping. Here wastes are sorted according to their types like plastic wastes in containers marked only for plastic wastes, marked containers for biological wastes, containers for papers only etc.

Die Mülltonnen - garbage containers (Image credit: onnola, Source: Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0)

Some other words related to waste:

der Müll – waste

der Eimer – bucket (pl. die Eimer)

der Beutel – bag, sac

der Müllbeutel – garbage bag

die Tüte – bag

die Mülltüte – garbage bag

die Mülldeponie - landfill, garbage dump

die Müllhalde – landfill, garbage dump

der Papierkorb – waste paper busket

der Restmüll – residual waste

der Abfall – waste, garbage (pl. die Abfälle)

Wo sind die Mülltonnen? – Where are the garbage containers?

Wo stehen die Mülltonnen? - Where are the garbage containers?

Die Mülltonnen stehen draußen, direkt vor dem Haus - The garbage containers are outside, directly in front of the house.

Die Mülldeponie - landfill/municipal waste dumping site (Image credit: Bill McChesney, Source: Flickr, CC BY 2.0)

*Your questions, suggestions/corrections are highly welcome or write to us- info@shamskm.com
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