While Coronavirus lockdown is relaxing

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While Coronavirus lockdown is relaxing

Post by Admin »

Countries are easing lockdown restrictions to restart economy stalled for months due to Covid-19 pandemic and people are coming out en masse as if they got out of life-in-prison style situation. Although it may seem like the peak is falling downward or flattened at this moment, a 'nightmare' can return without any prior notice just for one simple reason:

The beginning of current coronavirus crisis might have started from bat-to-human or as it's coming out in daylight, an accidental leak of the virus from Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), but today it's just spreading through one single medium: human-to-human transmission. There is no wild animal in-between.

While scientists and intelligence communities will be searching for exact origin of present crisis, the virus will be flying in the air at its free will for an unforeseeable period of time. So we still need to follow the safety steps: social distancing, wearing masks and above all, staying away from partying. Public gatherings are the most fertile breeding grounds for the Corona outbreak, which will make it to stay longer than expected.

Now it's known that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease COVID-19 can mutate and at least 8 strains of the virus are circulating the globe, meaning time will let more discoveries about this virus and its potential long-term health effects.

While we are expecting a breakthrough to find out the right medicine to cure the deadly cold, it may still need good amount of time. By tomorrow more people will be outside for job purposes, shopping and for other outdoor activities. Plus, people are gettng rebellious against a stay at home order and social gatherings will be a normal thing again in the coming weeks.

Here comes social organisations, clubs and other similar groups to ask and encourage their followers and members to wear masks, avoid any means of close range physical greetings like handshake, hugging or kissing. Even to avoid touching heads what elderly people usually do as a sign of affection to their younger ones.

Accepting the reality and adjusting with the changes are also parts of intelligent behaviour.

Stay safe. Good and great days are ahead of us.

Suggested Readings:

Johns Hopkins ABX Guide - Coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)

USA TODAY - 8 strains of the coronavirus are circling the globe
Ethel Kris
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:34 am

Re: While Coronavirus lockdown is relaxing

Post by Ethel Kris »

Covid-19 pandemic has not relaxed yet in the United States of America although lockdown has eased now. So, I would suggest all of the individuals strictly get custom essay service online and follow all precautions that have been mentioned in the government.
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