Joe Biden's Indian VP nominee

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Joe Biden's Indian VP nominee

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The democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden introduced voters with his vice president nominee Kamala Harris as an African American for the coming November election.

But the truth is, Ms Harris is born to an Indian mother and Jamaican father. Her real identitiy would be Indian-Jamaican or extending it to Indian-Jamaican-American.

Interestingly, all through her political career Kamala Harris always stamped herself as an African-American while hiding her true Indian-Jamaican origin. It's a kind of 'cheating' she is continuously practising for decades to reach her goals.

So who are real African-Americans?

- Dr. Martin Luther King, singer and songwriter Chuck Berry, Michael Jackson, legendary boxer Muhammad Ali, former president Barack Obama (his mother is an American and father comes from Kenya). Just few examples to say.

So they are true African-Americans.

Now come to the point, how it's possible for someone whose origin is in India but labelling herself as an African at the first place. This is because Kamala Harris is a type of politician who would not feel ashamed of changing her identity from one ethnic group to the other just to reach her goals anyhow, by any means.

She is far from being an African-American. But till now Ms Harris could sell her false identity to cheat her own voters and could successfully hide her Indian root.

So you may surprise, how could Kamala Harris come to stand today for such high profile political position. It all became possible because of her Jews Lawyer Husband Douglas Emhoff, who most probably holds both American and Israeli passports.

So the game is here. It's all part of 'deep-state' play and Ms Harris faithfully carries her duties on behalf of this 'deep-state'. In connection to this, she frequently travels to Israel.

Now you can unfold the puzzles of an Indian-Jamaican Senator's shrewd play to serve the 'deep-state' wearing African-American coat.

There is no shame to admit her real identity: 'I am an Indian-Jamaican (I-J)' or 'I am an Indian-Jamaican-American (I-J-A)'.

While Mr. Biden's VP nominee has a huge identity crisis, President Trump's vice president Mike Pence, on the other hand, is a true American.

It's the right time for Americans to wake-up for their own sake before falling into the hands of 'deep-state' while 'sleepy Joe' will be still sleeping as always. Hopelessly.

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Re: Joe Biden's Indian VP nominee

Post by hew33 »

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