Is France becoming a Charlie Hebdo country?

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Is France becoming a Charlie Hebdo country?

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Even years ago, if you would hear the name of France or think of the country itself, image that would flash through one's mind is that of either Eifel Tower, stories of Napoleon Bonaparte, French Revolution, or even the Louvre and Mona Lisa. But pushing all these glories back somewhere into a dark corner, a new name and image of France is paving its permanent position in recent times: Charlie Hebdo.

Islam is not anything new as a religion in the history of France and to its people. France has a long list of colonies in its history and ruled North African countries like Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia among others. These are mainly muslim nations where French is widely adopted as a language in administrative, educational and business levels since the early days of French ruling. So France knows muslim traditions, cultures and Islam for centuries. It's plain to assume, French politics and social establishments know very well how Prophet Muhammad is 'deeply beloved and revered' in hearts of Muslims.

The satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo published a series of controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad hurting muslims emotions leading to many unexpected tragic incidents. Unfortunately the trend to use these satirical cartoons to further incite unrest is still going on under the banner of freedom of expression.

Freedom of expression or freedom of speech, doesn't matter in which manner it may be categorized, it can not be used to hurt others. In current developments, instead of 'freedom of expression' better call it: freedom to insult other religions, freedom to insult ethnic groups or minorities, or freedom to insult anyone you just don't like. It seems things are developing exactly this way.

About 6 million Muslims currently live in France, constituting 9% of country's total population, making Islam the second most widely followed religion after Christianity.

Tolerance to other groups, other religions and respect to others' feelings are paramount for a harmonious living and vital in modern day multicultural societies where races, religions and cultures are often intermixed.

So comes the question now: is it something very difficult for French politicians, lawmakers and French people in general, to stop this 'sick journalism' or France will still follow this course never minding how it develops and become a Charlie Hebdo country?
Grace Jast
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Joined: Fri Nov 20, 2020 9:14 am

Re: Is France becoming a Charlie Hebdo country?

Post by Grace Jast »

I used to love France which is a very nice and wonderful country full of historical cities. Recently the government of France stopped students to get top essay writing services uk online and also isn't doing a good job to maintain peace in the country as they are badly doing activities against Muslims. I reckon, they shouldn't involve themselves in such bad activities which are damaging their country and nation.
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