Iran's success in space research

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Iran's success in space research

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On Saturday, November 5, Iran successfully launched sub-orbital satellite carrier into space. The Qaem-100 can carry satellites weighing up to 80 kg into orbit 500 kilometers above Earth.

August 9 this year Iranian satellite "Khayyam" was launched into orbit by a Russian Soyuz rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The 600 Kg Khayyam is named after the 11-th Century mathematician, philosopher and poet Omar Khayyam, and can take high-resolution images with precision of 1 m.

March 8 of this year the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) launched its second homegrown military satellite, Noor-II (light-II) into earth orbit.

This year alone marks Iran's success and excellence in science and technology despite U.S attempts to sabotaging middle eastern nation's space program.

Under America's so-called “maximum pressure” campaign against Tehran with sanctions and sanctions, Iran's impressive achievements are significant breakthroughs ranking the islamic republic's position next to Russia, U.S, and China in space research.
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