Understanding 'denen' and 'deren' with examples

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Understanding 'denen' and 'deren' with examples

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In German, three well-known typical relative pronouns are: der, die and das (in English it corresponds to 'the').

'denen' is the dative plural form of these relative pronouns (der, die, das), which is used to refer to people, animals, or things in a relative clause. It translates to 'whom,' 'which,' or 'that' in English, depending on the context.

'deren', on the other hand, is the genitive plural form of these common relative pronouns (der, die, das). 'deren' ia also the genitive singular form of 'die'. Its English translation can vary depending on the context and can be rendered as 'whose,' 'of whom,' or 'of which' in many cases.

Let's look at some examples:

Examples with 'denen':

Das sind die Bücher, denen ich vertraue - Those are the books that I trust
Das sind die Kinder, denen ich geholfen habe - Those are the children whom I helped

Examples with 'deren':

Das sind die Bücher, deren Autor ich bewundere - Those are the books whose author I admire
Das sind die Kinder, deren Eltern im Urlaub sind - Those are the children whose parents are on vacation

One interesting thing is: 'denen' can be used with prepositions, such as 'mit' (with), 'von' (from), or 'für' (for), to indicate the relationship between the subject and the object, while 'deren' is not used with prepositions.

Examples with 'denen':

Das sind die Personen, mit denen ich arbeite - Those are the people with whom I work
Das sind die Bücher, von denen ich gelernt habe - Those are the books from which I have learned
Das sind die Länder, für die ich mich interessiere - Those are the countries for which I have an interest

Examples with 'deren':

Das sind die Personen, deren Namen ich nicht kenne - Those are the people whose names I don't know
Das sind die Hunde, deren Besitzer im Urlaub sind - Those are the dogs whose owners are on vacation
Das sind die Städte, deren Architektur beeindruckend ist - Those are the cities whose architecture is impressive
Das sind die Unternehmen, deren Produkte von hoher Qualität sind - Those are the companies whose products are of high quality
Das sind die Bücher, deren Inhalt spannend ist - Those are the books whose content is exciting

As you can see, 'denen' is used in combination with prepositions to indicate the relationship between the subject and the object, while 'deren' is used without prepositions to indicate possession or ownership.

Hopefully it helps you!!!
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